Window Tint Laws in Oklahoma

Window Tint Laws in Oklahoma

Window tint laws in Oklahoma regulate how dark the tint can be on car windows. The laws specify the allowable visible light transmission percentage for different car windows. Oklahoma also has medical exemptions allowing darker tint for medical reasons.


“Window Tint Laws in Oklahoma?” While that may seem an oddly specific issue, these regulations impact many drivers in the state. Tint darkness affects visibility as well as heat reduction in vehicles. Understanding the laws can help drivers avoid fines for excessively dark tint.


Oklahoma permits darker window tinting than many other states, with the front side windows allowed to have 25% visible light transmission. In comparison, the front side windows in most states can only have 70% VLT or higher. However, Oklahoma does prohibit reflective or mirrored window tinting. Fines for violations start at $10 but violations are considered correctable, meaning the driver can remedy excessively.


What are the window tint laws for cars in Oklahoma?

The window tint laws in Oklahoma regulate the allowable visible light transmission (VLT) percentage and reflectivity of tint on car windows. Tint darkness is specified for the windshield and front, back, and rear side windows. The regulations apply to all vehicles registered in Oklahoma regardless of where they were purchased.


Oklahoma updated its window tint laws in 2005. The current laws can be found documented under Oklahoma Statute 47-12-422. The laws are enforced by law enforcement across the state, who can issue fines if vehicles have excessively dark tint.

What percentage of light transmission is allowed on car windows in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma allows darker tint than many other states. For cars, sedans, and MPVs, the front side windows must allow 25% visible light transmission (VLT). This is darker than the 70% VLT commonly required on front side windows in other states. For back side and rear windows in Oklahoma, any VLT percentage is legal, including fully opaque privacy tint.


The windshield has different regulations, permitting non-reflective tint only on the top portion above the AS-1 line or top 5 inches of glass. This gradient tint is allowed as long as it does not extend downward beyond these limits.

What medical exemptions exist for darker car window tint in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma has medical exemptions to the window tinting laws, allowing drivers to apply darker tint for documented medical reasons. To qualify for the exemption, the driver must obtain written certification from an optometrist or physician stating that the darker window tinting is medically necessary.


With this doctor’s note on file, drivers can have special window tints or applications, such as dark tint or limo tint, installed that do not meet the regular visibility and reflectivity standards. Law enforcement officials may still ask for proof of the medical waiver during any traffic stops or inspections. What is the difference between dark tint and limo tint?

Can you have reflective or mirrored car window tint in Oklahoma?

No, Oklahoma prohibits reflective or mirrored window tints on vehicles. All tint films applied to car windows cannot reflect more than 25% of visible light. This rule bans mirror-like tints that make it hard to see inside the vehicle during the daytime or at night with exterior lights shining on the windows.


In addition to reflectivity limits, Oklahoma regulations also prohibit any colored tint films that would change the normal color seen looking through the window glass. So amber, red, yellow, or other color tints are not legal.

What are the fines for violating car window tint laws in Oklahoma?

The fines for violating the Oklahoma window tinting laws start at $10. However, the citation is considered correctable. This means drivers cited for excessively dark window tint can remedy the violation and avoid the fine if they remove the darker films and re-apply legal tints meeting the reflectivity and visibility standards.


Officers may issue a fine up to $10 immediately but dismiss the ticket later if drivers show proof they corrected their car’s window tints to comply with regulations. Drivers would need to show the new receipt from a professional window tint shop documenting installation of legal films.


How dark can you legally tint car windows in Oklahoma?

How dark can you legally tint car windows in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, car windows can be legally tinted to 25% visible light transmission (VLT). This means the tint can block 75% of external light from passing through the windows. The 25% VLT limit applies to the front side windows as well as the rear back windows and rear windshield.

What is the legal limit for front side car window tint in Oklahoma?

The front side car windows in Oklahoma vehicles can have window tint darkness up to 25% VLT. This allows more light blockage than most other states, which often require 70% VLT or lighter on front side windows.

How do Oklahoma’s car window tint laws compare to other states?

Oklahoma’s tint laws are more permissive than many other states when it comes to allowed darkness levels. Most states restrict front side window tint to 70% VLT or lighter. Oklahoma allows darker 25% VLT tint on front and rear car windows.

Is car window tint darkness more regulated in Oklahoma or other states?

Car window tint is less regulated overall in Oklahoma compared to most other states. With a 25% VLT limit, drivers have more flexibility to use darker tint for UV protection and temperature reduction.

Can you get a fine for excessively dark car window tint in Oklahoma?

Yes, Oklahoma drivers can get fines for having their car windows tinted darker than the 25% VLT legal limit. Fines start at $10 but violations are considered correctable if the driver remedies the excessively dark tint.


Do car window tint laws impact drivers in Oklahoma?

Car window tint laws in Oklahoma allow darker tint than many other states, permitting 25% visible light transmission on front side windows. As a result, these regulations directly impact the visibility, heat reduction, and potential fines for Oklahoma drivers. Understanding the specifics can help prevent issues.


The allowable darkness levels affect visibility when backing up or at night. Legal tint also blocks more sunlight and heat than lighter tint would. So the Oklahoma laws have very real, practical effects for drivers in terms of safety, comfort, and the risk of citations.

Does allowed tint darkness affect visibility for Oklahoma drivers?

Since Oklahoma permits 25% VLT front side window tint, visibility is reduced compared to states allowing only 70% VLT film. Drivers may struggle to see out the front sides at night or when backing into parking spaces. Pedestrians and other cars also have decreased ability to make eye contact with the driver.


The darker legal limit compromises visibility versus lighter tint. This can impact all Oklahoma drivers, but especially older ones or those with vision issues. However, lighter tint is allowed, so drivers can opt for less darkness if visibility is a priority.

Can legal car window tint reduce heat in Oklahoma vehicles?

The 25% VLT tint allowed on front sides, backs, and rear windows blocks more infrared rays than 50% or 70% film would. This significantly reduces solar heat gain inside cars and trucks.


Since Oklahoma permits darker tint than many states, legal films here can keep vehicle interiors cooler on hot sunny days. Tint darkness regulations directly impact heat control for all drivers.

Why should Oklahoma drivers understand these tint laws?

Knowing the specifics on allowable tint darkness can help Oklahoma drivers avoid $10-$15 fines for violations. Understanding the medical exemption also allows those with conditions to get darker tint if certified by a doctor.


Additionally, being informed on the regulations allows making educated choices between legal options. Drivers can choose between maximum darkness or lighter tint based on priorities like heat reduction versus visibility.

Can drivers in Oklahoma get fines related to their car’s window tint?

Yes, Oklahoma drivers can be fined $10 or more for excessively dark tint that exceeds the legal 25% VLT limit. Fines can also result from improper tint colors like red or amber that reduce visibility.


However, the citations are considered correctable. So drivers can remedy issues with excess tint darkness or disallowed colors rather than paying fines. But understanding the precise regulations is key to avoiding violations.

What do the regulations actually state about car window tint in Oklahoma?

The regulations in Oklahoma allow more darkness for window tint compared to many other states. For passenger vehicles, the front side windows may have 25% visible light transmission (VLT). There is no restriction on VLT percentage for the back side or rear windows in sedans. However, reflective or mirrored tinting is prohibited in Oklahoma.


The state also has additional rules, like requiring dual side mirrors if the rear window tint is between 10-25% VLT. Fines for violations start at $10 but are considered correctable offenses, meaning excessively dark tint can be remedied to avoid the fine.

Where are the car window tint laws for Oklahoma documented?

The car window tinting regulations for Oklahoma vehicles are documented in the state legislature, under 47-12-422 of the Oklahoma statutes. This covers the allowable level of tint darkness through the visible light transmission percentages permitted on different vehicle windows.


The specific laws around window tinting are also available through the state’s official website, showing the documented policies that police and drivers must follow. Some local window tint shops also summarize details on their websites as an additional reference.

What government agency regulates tint on Oklahoma vehicles?

There is no single government agency that oversees window tint regulations on Oklahoma vehicles. The state laws are enacted through the legislature while enforcement falls on local law enforcement departments across the state.


However, government agencies can still influence window tint regulations, like health agencies advocating for medical exemptions or police providing input on visibility and safety considerations. So multiple agencies ultimately contribute to shaping and regulating car window tint laws.

What process is used to create or modify car tint regulations in Oklahoma?

Like other state laws, bills related to window tinting regulations go through Oklahoma’s legislative process to be created or changed. Bills can be introduced by state legislators and would go through committee reviews, voting by both legislative chambers, and approval by the governor.


Throughout the process, there is room for public input through committee hearings or contacting legislators. New bills take effect 90 days after the end of that legislative session if approved and signed. Modifying existing car tint laws follows the same legislative steps.

Have efforts been made to change car window tint laws in Oklahoma?

There have not been recent substantial efforts documented to modify Oklahoma’s existing car window tint regulations. The current laws were enacted in 2005 and have remained stable since then.


However, there could be attempts to change the laws in the future. Potential changes might include regulating tint reflectivity, setting visibility standards, requiring tint stickers, or linking allowable tint to rising vehicle glass technologies. But major changes seem unlikely given the lack of problems under the current rules.

Could car window tint regulations change in Oklahoma?

Laws and regulations often get updated over time to adapt to changing conditions, so it’s possible Oklahoma’s rules on car window tinting could see revisions in the future. Factors like improving vehicle technology, new medical evidence on tint’s health effects, or increased tint material innovation could prompt re-evaluation of the current laws.

What factors might lead to reviews of the laws?

Reasons the state government might reconsider Oklahoma’s existing car tint regulations include automotive and glass industry changes leading to safer darker tints, new medical recommendations related to skin cancer risks, evolving public attitudes about privacy rights, or lobbying by special interest groups.

Who would be involved in changing Oklahoma’s car tint rules?

The state legislature would likely take the lead in modifying Oklahoma’s car window tinting statutes, working with relevant government agencies like the Department of Public Safety and Department of Health. Industry groups and non-profit organizations may also provide input during the process.

What changes might be proposed to window tint laws for vehicles?

Potential modifications could include allowing darker legal limits on tint darkness, creating additional medical exemptions, regulating tint types and quality, standardizing rules across more vehicle classes, or linking changes to new automotive safety technologies.

How could Oklahoma drivers provide input on potential tint regulation changes?

Oklahoma motorists could voice opinions on car window tinting laws by directly contacting state representatives, submitting commentary during public comment periods, participating in focus groups or surveys, or joining advocacy campaigns from groups like trade associations or non-profits focused on the issue.

Frequently Asked Question

How dark can you tint front car windows in Oklahoma?

Front car windows can have tint allowing at least 25% of light transmission in Oklahoma.

Does Oklahoma allow medical exemptions for darker window tint?

Yes, Oklahoma provides medical exemptions for darker car window tint with a doctor’s certificate.

What is the fine for violating the tint law on your vehicle in Oklahoma?

The fine starts at $10 but violations are considered correctable if you remedy excessively dark window tint.

Can you have reflective or mirrored window tint on a car in Oklahoma?

No, reflective or mirrored window tints are prohibited in Oklahoma.

Do the Oklahoma rules on car window tint darkness vary by vehicle type?

Yes, sedans have different legal limits on tint darkness than multi-purpose vehicles in Oklahoma.


Oklahoma has specific window tint laws regulating the allowable darkness and reflectivity of tinted windows on vehicles. The regulations vary depending on the type of vehicle and which windows are tinted. For example, front side car windows must allow at least 25% light transmission. Understanding and complying with these laws is important to avoid fines, which start at $10.


Overall, the window tint laws in Oklahoma balance road safety considerations with drivers’ desires for privacy, glare reduction, and heat control. The rules have been in place since 2005 but are subject to potential future revisions. Both residents and visitors should familiarize themselves with the current regulations if they plan to tint vehicle windows in the state. Consulting an expert tint shop can also help ensure compliance.




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